“The Travel Adventures of George and Paolo” series of books, written and illustrated by Valerie Van Ballaer, brings kids on travel adventures around the globe. And there is a 66-page special edition book that covers the highlights of Thailand. With pals George and Paolo, kids can explore culture, food and nature in Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Sukhothai, Kanchanaburi, Phuket, Phang Nga, and Krabi.
The main characters offer a checklist of their favourite places in each city, along with fun facts, photos and colouring pages. As the lengthy international school summer holidays approach, this is a great little book to bring on your local travels.
Given the popularity of the first giveaway of this book, BKK Kids running a second giveaway for a copy of “The Travel Adventures of George and Paolo in Thailand” (Special Edition). We will randomly choose 6 winners (1 book per winner). Simply enter your details below for a chance to win – good luck!
Learn more about Valerie and her work at www.vvbdesign.com and www.instagram.com/vvbdesign. Downloadable e-book versions are available from her Etsy shop, while the paperback versions of the books can be purchased on Amazon.
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