In this guide:
- NEW Open Educational Resources (OER)
- General Academic Content and Curriculum Tools
- Subject Specific:
- Physical Activity & Dancing
- Free eBooks
- Audio Books & Story Time
- Video and Streaming: Movies, Documentaries
- Virtual Museum Tours
- Virtual Tours of National Parks, Attractions & Animals
- Other Virtual Experiences
- Musical Experiences & Performances
- Educational Board Games
- Support & Communities
- Understanding Coronavirus
In collaboration with LMSPulse, Content Marketing & Advertising Services in eLearning and Education
“Home is the first school and parents are the first teachers.”
That’s easier said than done for even the most patient among us. We spend countless hours as parents choosing not only where to send our children to school, but then how to best support them in that system. So then what happens when we are faced, as parents, with having the kids at home all day doing online learning, or we have to support them with home learning?
We are, after-all, the primary and most important teachers in a kids life as we influence their thoughts, feelings, and experience of the world. If parents support and encourage their learning at home and at nursery, it will have a positive effect on their development.
Closures impact younger students more than others, as they cannot stay at home alone or cannot do online learning by themselves. There are many ways in which parents can extend and support their child’s learning with easy low-cost activities such as regular reading or singing of nursery rhymes which can support their basic language skills. Offering experiences such as exploring their local community can encourage curiosity and build their understanding of the world and support a whole range of areas such as maths and physical development. A good idea is for parents to keep both a reading and development diary in periods of extended home learning so that they can chart progress, make comments on how they use resources and what their kids have learnt during this time. This is also a great way of giving useful feedback to the teachers.
The importance of creating a routine is vital. Check out what Khan Academy has recommended for all age groups. Whilst younger kids will be up and ready for their day, teens will drag their feet and try to sleep until lunchtime! It’s a good idea to start as you mean to go on and create both guidelines and possibly stricter rules depending on the age of the student. No parent wants to be the ‘bad guy’ that’s why we send them to school so we can be the fun guys, but when situations arise that call for home learning, we become both parent and teacher and this dynamic needs clear separation.

Create good habits at this point and set a clear time for breakfast, lunch and mid-morning and afternoon breaks. A good idea is to stick to your kids’ current school schedule as they are already used to these set time frames. Make sure they are up and ready for classes and dressed, as online learning in pajamas isn’t a good way to start!
For teens this can be a good opportunity for them to take on extra responsibilities in the home, making their own bed, preparing their snacks and lunch in advance so that they are ready for each day. Set aside time each day for physical activity, weather exploring in the garden, riding a bike or using the gym if one is available, ensure they get moving at least twice a day and teach them the importance of exercise and how this impacts their bodies.
Remember this can also be a great opportunity to build connections with your kids. Playing games can be a great way of learning. Let the kids plan a meal to include all the food groups, the costs and show them how to read and follow a recipe. Find out what your kids are really interested in and then use that as a basis for study. Have them ‘interview’ their grandparents and then ask them to recount the stories to you, this could help older relatives who are feeling isolated. Let them draw, let them create, let them cut and stick and use their imaginations, this might possibly be a time where you will find out more about your kids than ever before. There are a lot of resources available and it’s easy to feel overwhelmed, so start with an easy plan and go from there.
For older kids online learning is of paramount importance for schools during crisis situations and many online companies are stepping up to this challenge and are offering their resources online for free. Dreambox is offering a free three months trial and Brainpop has added twice the amount of information to each lesson plan as they previously offered especially to assist students during this period.
Ensure that your kids know the digital learning tool they are using and how to make the best of this by setting alerts and notifications and creating note boards to store and maintain notes during virtual discussions. Teachers will all still be taking class attendance, tracking grades and expect tasks to be completed in the same time frame as if students were in-school. A large part of online learning is accountability as online classes require significantly more attention and motivation, try to encourage kids to study at desks or tables rather than just laying comfortably in bed. Try to ensure TVs and other possible distractions are switched off so they don’t have trouble focusing. Remember to stress the importance to older kids to get together and study or socialize to avoid feelings of confinement.
One of the nice features of online learning is that students can be prevented from seeing other students’ responses to questions until they themselves have responded. In some ways, this encourages the less confident students to have the ability to have their voice heard and not have the fear of making a mistake.
If we can all focus on the positive benefits of home and online learning and target what we can gain rather than what we loose, our kids can adapt and learn resilience during these times of uncertainty. Remember plenty of important work and learning can be accomplished virtually – and is every single day.
Online Activities Guide
We’ve curated a list of resources below to help parents navigate these new-normal situations and would love to hear from you if you find anything extra we can share within our community.
Availability of the resources below may change at any time. Kindly report to us any issues you may encounter.
Open Educational Resources
Always free to use and ‘remix’ in your own courses.
Want to add to @NichollsState savings, but don't know where to start when looking for an open access textbook, try out these repositories including @AffordableLA.
— Nicholls Library (@NichollsLibrary) October 22, 2020
Have more to add to our list? Comment below! #OAweek @opensunytextbks @useOASIS @MERLOTorg @OpenEd_Network @OpenStax
- SUNY Geneseo’s OASIS — Perhaps the most comprehensive OER search engine, indexing more than 388 thousand items between textbooks, courses, interactive simulations, multimedia and more from over 100 sources (including most of this list)
- Project Gutenberg — More than 60,000 public domain eBooks
- Creative Commons Search — Iconic open licensing and copyleft organization, with a search engine of CC-licensed images
- Open Textbook Library by the University of Minnesota
- Directory of Open Access Books — Selection of academic titles
- — Library, activity explorer and content studio
- OER — The Internet’s library has partnered with top institutions worldwide for a vast repository of multimedia resources.
- COOL4Ed — The California Open Online Library for Education
- — Resources made by universities from around the world
- TeachOER — Independent OER catalog, supported and maintained through the Center for Teaching and Learning at Baruch College, City University of New York
- Open Yale Courses — Free and open access to a selection of course resources. No registration required.
- Orange Grove Texts Plus (OGT+) — Collection from the University Press of Florida and LibraryPress at UF
- OpenLearn by The Open University — Thousands of full courses, videos and interactive materials from Open University, the world’s largest online open university
- Open Course Library — Catalog by the Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges
- GALILEO Open Learning Materials — Repository is administrated by Affordable Learning Georgia, an initiative of GALILEO and the University System of Georgia
- Bookboon Free textbooks for university students selection — Free textbooks, requires login
- Merlot — Curated online materials and content creation tools
- DigitalCommons by Utah State University and USU University Libraries
- BCcampus OpenEd — Catalog from BCcampus, public organization that supports post-secondary institutions in British Columbia
- SkillsCommons — Workforce oriented OER from the U.S. Department of Labor
- COERLL — Center for Open Educational Resources and Language Learning by The University of Texas at Austin
- Academic Earth — Selection of free online college courses from top universities
Free Academic & Curricular Content — General
- Read Along by Google. An early access, Android-exclusive app to help children practice their reading skills using voice recognition.
- Amplify Free Resources. Self-guided video lessons, games and read alouds are available for kids on K-8.
- Age of Learning. Resources for children ages 2 to 8 designed to provide strong foundations.
- BBC Bitesize. Daily lessons on Maths, English, Science, History, Geography, designed for homeschooling.
- Aperture Education At-Home. With a focus on Social and Emotional Learning, the site provides guides, strategies and a webinar schedule.
- Apple App Store Learn and Study From Home This application is available for iOS devices (iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad) Users can buy or download free educational applications that are available in the store such as Duolingo, Google Classroom, Coursera, Classkick and countless educational applications that facilitate and motivate learning without needing to leave home
- Khan Academy for home learning Focused on autonomous learning is a free and useful resource for schools, teachers and students. For students who do not have a laptop, you can access it through the website, or download the application available in App Store and Play Store.
- Sesame Street in Communities Through its website with bilingual multimedia methods, available for children from birth to six years (a stage that is important for brain development). The multimedia tools involve common situations, which are lived on a daily basis including topics such as mathematics, literacy, and topics such as food can also be seen, aiming at the favorable impact on the lives of the learners.
- DreamBox Learning Transform the way the world learns through a new technology called “Intelligent Adaptive Learning ™” that is combined with a study guide and teaching methodologies for learners. This website motivates your students to learn by playing, watching videos, and they will give them the skills to think and solve common problems. If you want to buy this product, you must register, the services offered are successful.
- Scholastic Learn at Home Scholastic Learn at Home offers 20 totally different free learning days. Designed for students who cannot attend a school, in addition to the current situation with the COVID-19, sessions have the option of being given by assigned teachers, parents, or leaving the apprentice autonomously, available on any device, students must have internet for email communication, or web searches.
- Cambridge University Press Textbooks The university offers a website in which it shares its textbooks, available to all audiences, (click on the title will automatically take you) Several students can obtain the same resource at the same time, without inconvenience. The books have updated editions, that is, students can acquire current information. Users can enter the website and save their search, and then access another day with ease. The textbooks are bibliographically referenced, Open URL and linked with CrossRef.
- Worldbook Online (requires registration) Available anytime, anywhere, at school and at home. World book online contains countless informative articles, interactive maps, illustrations and videos that can help an investigation, project or activities. It helps its users of all ages to find the right type of information and with a suitable reading level.
- Twinkl To help those who teach, Twinkl adds support content for teachers or parents every day to its platforms, the content is made by teachers and can be used by anyone who wants to educate and wants to learn. Twinkl parents is a learning product for parents who want to support their children in their learning process, you can find interactive videos, games and worksheets to do at home.
- Storyplace Digital learning library for children. Storyplace offers a different experience when going to the library, participating in the same activities that it proposes in its physical spaces. You can visit the website, you will find countless interactive books and preschool activities, educational videos about risk situations that can happen at any time, the site also contains information on early literacy.
- Storyline Storyline is a free literacy site where famous actors stream videos reading children’s books along with creative illustrations. Each book published on the website contains a study plan created by a teacher, in order to strengthen what has been learned in reading so that it can be applied in everyday life. This product is used by teachers and nurses at children’s hospitals, it has been proven that when reading aloud to children, they develop writing, reading, communication and concentration skills.
- Common Lit Reading comprehension portal, Common lit is a website where you can find literary and informative texts, they are completely free. This platform is used by teachers to assign literacy activities to their students, which are done by teachers. Anyone can enter the website and register for free, the results are effective.
- Illustrative Mathematics It is an organization that seeks to make its apprentices know, use and enjoy mathematics. It also offers its students a professional and certified learning experience. The best way to learn through curricula, activities, study plans and evaluations so that there is an improvement in education in the mathematical field.
- Switcheroo Zoo Have fun while you learn, this website offers its visitors for free a virtual trip to the zoo, plus you can be the creator of the animals and play with them. With more than 142 species you can learn through music made with animal sounds and watch videos. Switcheroo Zoo is available as an application in versions like iOs and Android.
- Fun Brain A free educational games site where children learn while having fun. With more than 59 games on its platform, books, comics and educational videos, with them the learners can develop skills for math, reading, and how to solve problems.Used in schools and at home, so that children reinforce their knowledge and also learn to put it into practice.
- Nat Geo for Kids. Fun interactivity, amazing pictures of nature, videos and a wonderful animal catalog are waiting for you.
- PBS Kids It has more than 200 games on its platform, which can be downloaded and played without having an internet connection anywhere, if it is preferred that the apprentice requests a teacher, the platform will assign it. Anyone who wants to use this website and application can do so, all they need to do is have a mobile phone. Also the platform has PBS Kids where parents look for videos, games, tools to support healthy habits based on the age of their children.
- Into the Book Website that offers its visitors a free package of different tools with which you can improve your reading comprehension and critical thinking skills in English and Spanish. There you can find the student section, where there is a series of interactive activities for reading comprehension, then in the teachers section, videos, guides and study plans. You can find short videos that teach how to be a critical reader.
- Star Fall A place where a child learns about reading and also about math while having fun. You can visit the site on your mobile by downloading the application, or entering the website, there you will find English study plans, and arts for kindergarten children, and for prekindergarten children, a plan developed based on their age.
- Seussville An exclusive section for parents who are looking for activities such as crafts, recipes, guides, quality images for coloring in which your child learns while having fun. Your children can have fun and entertain themselves watching the animations of the characters created by Dr. Seus, you can also have a leisure time with games that are on the platform.
- ABC Ya With more than 400 educational games for children who are studying from pre kindergarten to 6th, parents can accompany the child’s learning process through activities designed for them and also for teachers which have conditions such as having fun, because it is obvious that our children love to have fun and they better do it while they learn. The website has two versions, free and premium.
- Highlights Kids That the creations of experiences involve the motivation for a joyful learning. A different and complete experience for your children, on the website you can find, games, puzzles, activities, topics that can interest any child, they can learn about dinosaurs, science and the work that firefighters do, also on YouTube you can find educational and fun podcasts for your children to develop their imagination while they learn.
- Go Noodle Now your children and students can learn through short interactive activities. For free, teachers can plan their classes and activities using this website, through attractive tools for children between prekindergarten and 5th. The activities last a maximum of 20 minutes, the activities motivate your children to learn and stay active.
- Cosmic Yoga Different ways in which your children can meditate and relax. With Cosmic Yoga more than a million children do mindfulness and yoga by watching the Cosmic kids YouTube channel. There you can find therapies in which your child can de-stress in order to be active and focused for their pending activities.
- Story Box Library Reading aloud, an experience that improves children’s lives. Educational website where you find a series of books by local authors and illustrators narrated by different people for your children to listen to reading to your child aloud improves their language and literacy skills that is why you can lean on Story Box Library so that your child is attracted to reading and develops his imagination.
- Zearn Learn without the need to leave your home, with approximately 400 hours of digital classes for children who attend pre-kindergarten through 5th, with on-screen teachers willing to teach for free, you just need to have a personal account. Parents can also access the content available on the platform and print material for activities.
- Ivy League MOOCs (Class Central) Find on the platform a list of online courses rated by users. Most of the courses listed are free courses offered by universities. You can find courses on any subject, in the catalog you can find the course that meets your expectations, you can also review the history of courses you have taken and also read the reviews that users have written, follow university subjects and organize your learning process.
- Interactive Lesson Plans and Activities (The Tech Interactive) Find guides and activities that parents or teachers can adapt so that their children learn from home. At Teach Interactive you can find a variety of activities for children of any grade and subjects. Parents can find a guide and suggestions for adapting learning at home, teachers can also find a teacher’s guide so that their education methodology can be applied to new technologies.
- BrainPop access for families Your child learning while watching an animated movie, exploring creative tools, interactive quizzes, and didactic assessments is what has made BrainPop position itself as a website where thousands of children have invested their time to learn. As a student, you can request a support teacher or do it independently, what you need is a computer with an internet connection for communication and the development of activities.
- Boom Cards Activities where children self-evaluate and give the results that teachers want learn from interactive lessons created by teachers for your child to learn effectively, teachers use this method of lessons as games keep children active, interested and motivated to learn more. Parents can also use this platform for learning at home, a new lesson is posted on the website every week.
- Common Sense Media Free Apps for Kids On this site you can find a list of free applications for your children, applications from which you can be sure that your children will learn. Some have purchases within the App, for that reason in the list are the ones that have been rated with the highest number, they are also fun for your children to play, entertain themselves and learn.
- Thai Learning Support your learning through Thai Learning. There you can find different topics such as mathematics, science, art, languages among other subjects, when you select what you want to learn, the page redirects you to a section where you can find games, videos, pages with fully educational and interactive content, available to all ages. You can support your knowledge through Thai Learning.
- Smile and Learn More than 5,000 activities for ages 3 to 12 years aligned with the study plans. With learning methodologies approved and used by more than two thousand schools, Smile and learn has its educational content available in 5 languages, Spanish, English, French, Italian and Portuguese. Parents can be part of the educational process of their children through a guide provided by the platform.
- Last Days Poems For Students If you are an educator and classes are ending, send an emotional poem to your students, find the poem in the presentation (click on the link). There is also a cute and interesting poem for parents.
- HomeLiteracy Find resources for parents and educators, strengthen and maintain the learning process of your children or students from home.
Arts & Crafts
- #metkids An initiative of the New York Met to approach students with the Museum’s collections through creations made by students themselves.
- Academy of Art University online events and Virtual Open House. The famous academy in San Francisco has a continuous schedule of performances, talks and academic events. Specially recommended for the older ones wondering what art school is like.
- Learn to draw Disney characters A video playlist featuring real Disney animators showing off their craft and teaching how to draw your favorite Disney characters. ( — in Thai)
- Fender Play Get a 50% discount on your annual virtual learning plan. Using your computer, tablet or cell phone, the best way to learn is by playing the songs you like, with short sessions and good quality videos, the tutors are world-class professionals.
- Free drawing and art classes Find creative rest in times of confinement. Famous illustrators have decided to give virtual drawing classes for adults and children with the aim that people occupy their minds during the pandemic, also what better than to exploit your imagination and your skills from the comfort of your home.
- Free Coloring Pages (Crayola) Create and learn from home, on this page you can find different high quality drawings available for printing. Parents can find categories of pictures suitable for their children to color and have fun.
- #ColorOurCollections Download thousands of coloring book pages from museum and library collections. While you color these collections, you learn about culture, history and the topics that most attract your attention. (My Modern Met)
- Room on the Broom and The Gruffalo coloring pages (Pan Macmillan) Download activities and coloring sheets, keep your children entertained with the content of these charming and fantastic stories.
- GoldieBlox STEM at Home. Your girls and boys do not have to have a 3D printer to become Makers. Experiment with LEDs, make a mermaid shell phone cases, sparkling soap or donuts, following on GoldieBlox’s mission to challenge gender stereotypes and promote Science, Technology, Engineering and Math subjects and careers in girls.
- Make your own origami inspired by Japanese prints. (The British Museum) Build artistic works inspired by Japanese prints with your own hands. If you are looking to distract your mind during confinement, this is an ideal activity, following the steps in the videos you can create different and creative objects Sesame Street Caring for Each Other Support the educational activities that you have for your children with Sesame Street, have fun while you learn, and occupy your mind in fun activities, games, videos and more for your children.
- 101 FUN Things to do in Isolation ( Do you notice that your children get bored during confinement? Here you will find different ideas of educational and fun activities for your children to be distracted, everything is at your fingertips if you are at home.
- Microsoft Office Family Activities and templates Microsoft offers you a series of activities that you can develop with your children, friends or family and take advantage of this time of pandemic.
- Seussville An exclusive section for parents who are looking for activities such as crafts, recipes, guides, quality images for coloring in which your child learns while having fun.
- COVID-19 Time Capsule. (LONG Creations) Always look for the good side of situations, share with your child a fun time drawing and recreating the situations that have most marked the pandemic, and keep them in the time capsule, so that later in a few years, we can remember what we experienced.
- Can you build an indoor mini golf course? It’s a lot easier and more fun than you might think! Perfect for developing critical thinking skills in ages 2 to 6. (Learn As You Play)
- Ice lolly recipes for kids. Healthy, delicious and child-proof, these delights are perfect for Bangkok’s perennial summer. Yes, there’s a mango lolly recipe 😋 (BBC Good Food)
- Virtual Memory Books Download this emotional and creative template, so that your children or students create a memory in funny images or figures, and they can also share the slides with friends or study colleagues, and have fun from a distance.
- School Memories Slideshow Explore your imagination creating different, creative and eye-catching slides for your class or school activities, capturing images and drawings that remind you of the greatest things that you have experienced in the year. Log in to see the different templates.
Sciences & Space
- Nasa educational resources Inspire and educate. Find a variety of topics related to space, studies made on the Moon, Earth and Mars. You can also find news about innovative creations to send into space, high-quality images and all the missions that have been completed.
- Mystery Science Complete lessons with activity to reinforce the learning of your child or student, created by experts with the aim of making them easy to understand and apply in class and at home. Available for grades kindergarten through 5th.
- Virtual Tour of Mars and Virtual planet tours Know the surface of Mars and the information that has been discovered thanks to Curiosty Rover. You can also tour the moon, and the planets that are part of our solar system, take a tour of the space station, all from your home.
- Virtual Solar System Tour Take a tour of the solar system, finding on each planet specific information about its structure, including the moon and the sun. Discover which stars are close to us and analyze the constellations.
- Colonial Williamsburg Education Resource Library Learn about American history with videos, interactive lessons, web activities, you can search by time, years, topic and subjects.
- Ask an Anthropologist Online educational resources that provide thought-provoking videos, experiments and activities.
Nature, Environment & Society
- NASA Precipitation Education. Understand Rain, Weather, Climate and the applications of satellite mapping on agriculture and natural research.
- NatGeo @ Home. Who said family expeditions mean you must go to the Serengeti? Fun, educational and inspiring adventures to fit in your schedule. Happy Pet Week!
- Jane Goodall’s Roots & Shoots. The world’s most beloved chimpanzee expert presents a delightful and inspirational portal aimed to educate, entertain, and encourage the next generation of nature lovers.
- James and the Giant Peach family activity sheets (Forestry England) Download activities related to the famous story “James and the Giant Peach” where you and your children can have fun while your children learn about nature and animals.
- Sierra Club The John Muir Exhibit Learn to look through the eyes of John Muir. Find resources to strengthen your learning, as well as find collections from the Pacific University library, and have John Muir’s writings available to you.
- EstuaryLIVE Learn through live broadcasts, on the YouTube channel Stuary TV live follow the rain courses even analyze upcoming hurricanes and cyclones.
- Arctic Blast 2001 – An online Classroom Dogsled Expedition Experience a different adventure exploring the arctic areas, accompanied by husky dogs, polar bears and freezing temperatures. Discover the ecosystem of the animals that live there. Live this experience at home, learn as you go along.
- Kiva U. These exercises will teach your children more about world issues like global poverty, refugees, food safety, clean water, entrepreneurship, the value of family, financial inclusion and more.
- WildEarth safariLIVE. Take a tour of the African jungle from the comfort of your home, interact with rangers in real time. Drones, safaris, guides in search of the wonderful nature and those who inhabit it. Organize your time to do part of the safaris at dawn and at dusk, enter and check the schedules.
- Coloring Nature For children and adults you will find more than 500 pages to color, while your children color and learn about animals and their parts.
- Kidcitizien Teach your children through videos how the congress works and what the facilities are like, what civic participation is like.
Science Action Club Bring your students and children closer to nature and science, through these incredible and fun activities to explore and learn.
- DreamBox Learning Math That your students do not see mathematics as a boring subject, teach them a different and fun way to learn this great science.
- Get More Math-Base Math Practice and Retention Program Available to teachers and grade 3rd students thru high school completely free, an easy-to-use and easy-to-understand tool. Motivate your students to learn!
- Wooth Math An educational tool that allows learners to develop and learn at their own pace, achieving fluency to develop mathematical problems that involve numerical data.
- Cignition Math Access a tutorial plan to facilitate the learning of mathematics, available for students, with certified teachers throughout the country.
- Renaissance Educational digital solutions for teachers, students and parents anywhere in the world. Find different resources on the website to facilitate learning from home.
- eSpark Learn at home through activities suitable for the educational level of the student, find games and videos that support the development of skills of the learner.
- ChemEd Find educational resources for teachers and students, support and facilitate knowledge from home, immerse yourself in learning new topics related to chemistry.
- Janine the tutor Find tutorials specialized in mathematics and chemistry completely free, book your session on-line.
- Chemix Lab Do laboratory experiments from home, with this online laboratory simulator, recreate the environment of a real laboratory to create experiments and perform laboratory reports.
- Collision chemistry Get your students closer to chemical terminology and its components through challenging, fun and educational games.
- Allery chemistry Learn chemistry virtually, watching the videos available on the yotube channel for free.
- Labster fully interactive virtual science lab simulations are designed to stimulate students’ natural curiosity and highlight the connection between science and the real world. Students perform realistic lab experiments, learn key scientific concepts, and practice their skills in a fun, risk-free virtual learning environment.
- ClassHook Helps you increase student engagement using short, educational scenes from popular TV shows and movies. Whether you’re in-person, hybrid, or remote teaching this year, it’s easy to find the perfect clip for your next lesson in just a few minutes.
- Flipping Physics Flipping Physics is a free, entertaining and real physics educational videos for anyone to use to learn physics and, more specifically, for teachers to use to flip their students’ learning.
- Positive Physics Free teacher and student subscriptions for the remainder of the school year! The site is designed to be accessible to students of any background.
- The Physics Classroom A full-service physics website for teachers and students. Resources include an easy-to-understand Tutorial, a large collection of interactive simulations of Physics concepts (Physics Interactives)
- Virtual Physics Laboratory With 3D animations, live the experience of being in the laboratory from your home, experiment, do science projects and laboratory reports without any risk.
- The Physics Aviary Learn through physical problems, games, videos and activities that allow you to develop your skills in the field.
Computer Science
- Through these free live instructor-led sessions, students can observe robots being built and learn skills that teach computer science, IT, mechanical engineering, and robotics.
- CodeHS pro A comprehensive platform for teaching computer science in middle school and high school that provides full curriculum, software, and training.
- Codelicius Find a full-year computer science curriculum, free resources included with Codelicious curriculum empower any teacher to teach computer science.
- Coding for Kids For parents find a guide to core computer science concepts, with learning activities to accompany our award-winning Detective Dot adventure book.
- Computational CT-STEM A free library of web-based curricula aligned to the Next Generation Science Standards that engage teachers and high school students in computer-based investigations.
- Codemoji Learn the basics of web development and coding, including HTML, CSS, and Javascript, in a fun and easy way, allowing them to create their own websites.
P.E., Physical Activity & Dancing
- Walkabouts Active Learning Platform mix K-2 curricula with physical activity through exercises and games. A free limited trial is available until further notice. Learn more at
- GoNoodle Games. Free family games from a company focused on videogames with “active screen time.” They will move and jump to “wake up their bodies and engage their minds.”
- Chocó to Dance. Learn the flavor of the Pacific moves and help fund education opportunities of Colombian children.
- Online Exercise Classes for Kids Keep your children and students busy during the time of coronavirus, it is necessary for children to exercise their body and keep their mind busy and stress free, plus it is good that they get out of the daily routine.
- Hogwarts Digital Escape Room Have fun with your friends, imagine being in the Hogwarts castle settings and being locked in one of the rooms, with a series of clues and questions that you must answer, you can get out of there and continue exploring the castle rooms.
- Animals Quizzes and Trivia Solve quizzes about animals and test your knowledge about them. You can also find out about important issues that animals live so that you can apply it with your pets.
- Breathe With Me – Guided Breathing Meditation for Kids Share breathing therapies with your children or students so they can enter into meditation, this therapy helps your children avoid anxiety, improve their behaviors and prepare for new situations.
Free eBooks
Celebrate #AdaLovelaceDay by joining us at the October 10, 2020 online WikiSalon to add information about Women in STEM to #wikipedia and Wikidata
— Mary Mark Ockerbloom (@MMOckerbloom) October 5, 2020
- A Celebration of Women Writers Find a virtual library, with books written by women. You can search by authors’ names, publication dates and the country where the book was published.
- Authorama Read online or offline, Authorama with more than 100 books published for free with a variety of topics and authors.
- Baen Free Library Find fantasy, science and fiction books in the free library and do a detailed search for your favorite books and buy them.
- Banned Books Variety of books that have been censored and vetoed by law, you can also contribute to the publications of these books.
- Bartleby Fiction books, anthologies published by year of publication and a special section for you to find your favorite authors.
- Bibliomania Literature of fiction, drama, poems and short stories, find more than 2000 texts. Find study guides to support your reading comprehension.
- Classic Book Library Variety of literary resources of any genre totally free, available 24/7, for lovers of reading.
- Classic Bookshelf Have fun and learn by reading classic books totally free, and you can also leave a comment about your reading experience.
- DailyLit Not having time is no longer an excuse to read, with Daylylit you read 15 minutes a day, you only have to register monthly, you will carry the books you want to read on your cell phone.
- Famous Poetry Online find a compilation of the most famous classical and modern poems.
- Fiction.US E-books of fiction, poetry, short stories, picture books for children and more.
- Foxglove Download free book, variety of literary genres for lovers of reading.
- Free Classic Literature For free, on your computer or cell phone, famous works by classic writers, after you have made the choice of your book, read a short introduction about the author to get into context.
- Free Online Novels Free Catholic novels, if you are a lover of this literary genre, on the website there are more than 50 free books.
- Click on the link, and find a list of suggestions for books to read totally free, also follow the YouTube channel to see literature counts.
- Google Poetry Go to google search and write the word “poetry” you will find thousands of poetic writings, have fun looking for the one you like the most.
- John T. Cullen Free graphic novel books on your phone, ipad or computer or you have the possibility to print the texts.
- Manybooks More than 50,000 free books, explore the variety of genres, and if you can’t decide, use the list of suggestions of books to read, also find the bestsellers with discounts.
- Online Library of Literature Classic works of English literature, available from different writers such as Charles Dickens, Rene Descartes and more.
- Page by Page Books More than a hundred books of classical literature that you can read for free, get ready to be entertained by these interesting books.
- Planet eBook Find a large list of free books at your disposal 24/7.
- Poem Hunter Read different poems available on this website, find a list of poets and topics they have written, and if you register you can manage the poems that you like most.
- Poetry A list with more than 40 poems that you can read, also find short histoires, novels, games, and children’s books.
- Prize-winning books online Read the books that have been awarded for literature, the books that are published are licensed by their writers and are out of copyright.
- Project Gutenberg free book library, hinting at the creation of e books and promoting their creation.
- ProPlay Read professionally prepared plays online, you have the option of reading the entire script or reading small parts of it.
- Public Bookshelf Different literary genres as a main romance story, have fun reading these wonderful free books.
- Read Print Read the available books completely free, and join the conversation groups, books and people join.
- Screenplays On this website you can find children’s fiction books, novels short stories and fictional plays.
- SF and Fantasy Books Online Read fiction books, find book fragments, learn important facts about fiction and fantasy books.
- The Complete Works of William Shakespeare Find all the works written by the iconic writer and playwright William Shakespeare.
- The Internet Book Database of Fiction Available to you a large database with books, stories and even poems related to fiction.
- The Literature Network On this page you can find different literary genres, reference quotes and you can also find the context in which the books were written.
- The Online Books Page More than 3 million free books, available for you to read in the comfort of your home.
- The WWW Virtual Library for Theatre and Drama Find books, plays ans scripts, if you are a playwright you can share your writings with the page.
- World eBook Library Read millions of book, poems, articles and short stories available online.
- Hatch! Hatch! gives young readers a bird’s-eye view into the fascinating world of birds and their unique eggs and nests.
Audio Books & Story Time
- Read Along Mondays with Michelle Obama. In collaboration with PBS Kids and The Gruffalo. Read in the company of writers and celebrities, visit the PBS kids YouTube channel. (Full Schedule via CNN)
- Celebrities Reading Bedtime Stories – Save with stories Have fun listening to stories read by famous actors and writers, visit the Instagram profile.
- 100s of Free Audio books (Amazon Audible) Find free over 100 audio books available in eight languages and learn while you entertain yourself with the stories.
- Children’s Authors Doing Online Read-Alouds & Activities (We Are Teachers) On this website you can find a list of children’s book writers who read their books online.
- Happy Right Now by Julie Berry Motivate your students and children with this interesting illustrated book.
- Storytime Kits in PDF: Hello Sun, Emily’s Idea, My Dumb Invisible Dragon Print these creative sheets for your students and to share quality time with your children in times of confinement.
Educational Video & Streaming
- Netflix: Free access documentaries. No subscription needed. Watch documentaries and series with selected chapters on the official Netflix YouTube channel (
- TED Education Here you will learn by watching short videos, lectures and doing extracurricular activities.
- 150 Educational Shows on Netflix (Homeschool Hideout) Read a ranked list of educational documentaries, series and shows available on Netflix.
- Common Sense Media Read reviews of current movies before your children see them, written with the family in mind.
- What to Stream: Forty of the Best Movies on Netflix Right Now. Family recommendations include The Burial of Kojo, Hugo (New Yorker)
Virtual Museum Tours
- The American Museum of Natural History offers videos, galleries, articles and collections, accompanied with an ongoing series of live contests and watch parties. OLogy is the Museum’s corner for the little ones.
- American Writers Museum — My America: Immigrant and Refugee Writers Today exhibit. The exhibit includes sets of educational materials, registration required.
- Buckingham Palace Expedition (Royal Collection Trust) Visit the most famous museums and cultural houses in Europe online.
- Library Of Congress. The largest collection of books, photos, maps, newspapers, film and audio recordings (among other things) are now available and curated online. iOS app available.
- The Louvre Have fun with the activities and virtual tours of the French Louvre museum.
- Smithsonian Paintings, sculptures, galleries and collections available to visit online.
- Explore the British Museum from home. Immersive virtual tours, vintage galleries and audio tours. Check it out on YouTube, With Google and Google Arts & Culture
- Guggenheim Museum, New York High-quality photos of works, paintings and sculptures, take a detailed look at each work.
- National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. High-quality photos of works, install the Google Arts & Culture app on your phone to activate exclusive in-museum features. Android app available and iOS app available.
- Musée d’Orsay, Paris Tour the museum from your home, more than 200 artistic works available online.
- National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Seoul You are interested in Korean culture, learn about it through art. Visit the museum!
- Pergamon Museum, Berlin Pergamon or Pergamum, also referred to by its modern Greek form Pergamos, was a rich and powerful ancient Greek city in Mysia, visit the locations through high-quality photos.
- Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam Get to know the treasures that this museum keeps, learn from the galleries on display and more …
- Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam The Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam houses the largest collection of artworks by Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890) in the world, with more than 200 paintings available for you to see from your home
- The J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles The J. Paul Getty Museum at the Getty Center features works of art dating from the eighth through the twenty-first century, including European paintings, drawings, sculpture, decorative arts, and European, Asian, and American photographs.
- Uffizi Gallery, Florence Be part of the online exhibitions that the museum has available, learn about its history and the sculptures, paintings and photographs that it keeps inside.
- MASP, São Paulo Get to know one of the first modern museums located in São Paulo, this museum is private, and has its exhibits available online.
- National Museum of Anthropology, Mexico City devoted to the archaeology and history of Mexico’s pre-Hispanic civilisations, look at the sculptures, paintings and crafts made at that time.
- Boston Children’s Museum Take a tour of the museum’s facilities, take a detailed look at each object in it and learn from them.
- Tour The American Museum of Natural History Stay tuned to the museum by watching live broadcasts of educational programs that you can watch as a family.
- The American Museum of Photography Guided Tour Museum open 365 days a year and 24 hours a day, visit the museum at any time, follow the instructions to know and learn more about American history through photos.
- American Red Cross Virtual Museum Take a tour through the history of the American Red Cross, learn how this organization has saved lives and supported more than 2 million people and also which characters have been involved with the establishment.
- American Treasures – Library of Congress Learn about American treasures and why they are kept in the museum, the first copyrighted movie, the first popular baseball card and more, visit the museum in a vitrual way.
- Tour of The Andy Warhol Museum Visit the museum exhibits, and schedule yourself for those to come, you can also hold virtual craft workshops for your students or your children.
- Tour The Collection at The National Gallery of Art Discover paintings, sculptures, photographs and drawings that you can find in the museum and observe online, learn from home by visiting the museum.
- Tour the DeCordova 35 acre Sculpture Park Explore the website and discover unique sculptures that you won’t find anywhere else, and also learn about the artists who created them.
- The Drop Zone Virtual Museum (WW II Airborne) Travel back in time to the Second World War with a series of photos taken of the protagonists of the war the soldiers. Learn what they had to go through at that time.
- Institute and Museum of History of Science – Florence, Italy (Museo Galileo) Get to know the Museum’s facilities, and the treasures and arts that it has, and on the page you will also find current news related to science, activities available to do and information about the museum.
- German Leather Museum Learn about German culture and explore the current and archived exhibitions found on the museum’s website, be part of the events held by the museum and have fun!
- Greek and Roman Art Collection Cars, engineering and old car parts, this and more you can see in the Henry Ford museum. Learn why the cars were created and how they were made as well as delight yourself with beautiful pieces and old cars.
- Tour the Henry Ford Museum & Greenfield Village Learn about the culture and important situations that have marked the world, visiting the online exhibitions that are available at the link.
- Holocaust Museum Tour Find educational resources for your students and also visit the mail with short videos available YouTube and facebook. Find educational resources for your students and also visit the museum with short videos available on YouTube and Facebook.
- The International Museum of Horses Visit the museum’s current exhibits, and find archived exhibits on the website, you can even find fun and educational activities to share with your family at home.
- Tour The Jimmy Stewart Museum Learn about American history and learn about wonderful memories of WWII (World War II) and the lives of the soldiers and people who lived through that war.
- Museum of HP Calculators Learn about the evolution of calculators and find peculiar and characteristic models of previous times, immerse yourself in the timeline of the innovation of these devices.
- Tour The Museum of Unnatural Mystery The most popular enigmas in history, you will find their explanations and possible conspiracy theories, know the strange events and creations in the world and why they have happened.
- Faces of Frida Kahlo An in-depth analysis of Frida’s life, art, love and legacy through the eyes of experts and those who were inspired by her talent.
- Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History Find out what dinosaur bones were like and discover their true size, visit the museum’s current and archived exhibits and take part of a virtual tour narrated by a guide.
- The Neon Museum Las Vegas. The virtual tour explores the history of certain iconic signs from the Las Vegas Strip (Travel + Leisure)
Virtual Tours of National Parks, Attractions & Animals
- Online tours of 31 national parks on Google Earth. Yes, the real thing will always be better, but the tours are incredibly in-depth, complete with high-quality photos, 360-degree views and detailed information. (In The Know)
- Forestry England on Google Expeditions From the classroom or at home, students will be able to visit a tree nursery, and learn about different habitats for wildlife.
- 25 National Parks in the US from Google Earth Explore the world with Google Earth, visit natural parks only with your mobile device, tablet or computer.
- Great Wall Of China With more than 4800 km, you can take a virtual tour of one of the oldest structures in the world.
- Polar Bears Take a virtual field trip and see what the habitat of polar bears is like, even learn how climate change affects these ecosystems.
- Virtual Farm and Food Tours Experience a 360 ° farm visit, and learn how milk, cheese, and even vegetables are grown.
- Live animal webcams Observe the habitat of marine animals and how they coexist, relax from home watching nature. (The Verge)
Other Virtual Experiences
- Smithsonian Open Access. Download, remix and share license-free 2D and 3D content for any purpose.
- Arizona State Virtual Field Trips. Dinosaurs! Old multicellular organisms, red rocks, early civilization and the Grand Canyon. What ties them all together? The virtual trips from ASU, of course.
- Hogwarts is here. A lovingly fan-made site recreates with amazing detail the Harry Potter educational adventure. Join a house and earn points, take courses and meet friends.
- AirBnB Online Experiences. Join a shared or private cooking session with renowned chefs. Interview Olympians, watch farm animals or learn about vulnerable places while providing essential support.
- Atlas Obscura Wonder From Home. The famous portal for the bizarrely curious is launching a series of live events, from unusual to spooky, accompanying their vast content and video library.
- The iThemePark channel on Youtube has complete tours of Disney parks, timelapses and more.
- Disneyland Walkthroughs (UpWorthy) Visit Disney theme parks through YouTube videos
- Disneyland 3D Virtual Tours A site with apps made by fans with an exhaustive tour of DisneyFrance made in 2014.
- Google Lit Trips Traveling stories, Immerse yourself in the story of a book, accompanying the characters on their travels through Google Earth.
- Photo Panoramas Get to know the National Museum of Denmark, one of the largest museums in the world, you will not only see high quality 360 ° photos, you will hear a tour guide explaining each object in the castle.
- AirPano A virtual trip around the world, with different tourist places available through photos and 360 ° videos travel the world from your computer.
- Reach The World Take your students to know the different cultures of the world, travel virtually with Reach World.
- Inside the White House, and another one by Google Arts & Culture, and a 360° Video at High-quality images, educational and narrative videos, paintings and more objects found inside the White House.
- PlayStation Free Games to Play at Home Play at home and stay safe, download games for free and have fun in confinement.
Musical Experiences & Performances
- Wandsworth Arts Fringe Festival In Your Living Room. Dancing, games, challenges, theatre, storytime and more from the iconic London Festival, available online until May 24.
- #Graduation2020. On May 15, Oprah Winfrey. Awkwafina, Jennifer Garner, Lil Nas X, Simone Biles and Miley Cyrus will celebrate graduates on this concert organized by Facebook and Instagram. (
- Here Are All the Livestreams & Virtual Concerts to Watch During Coronavirus Crisis. A frequently updated calendar of live concerts to enjoy at home. Coming up, Bon Jovi, Billy Joel, Mariah Carey and Sting together for Rise Up New York! (Billboard)
- Berlin Philharmonic Enjoy excellent concerts broadcast on video in high definition and with excellent soun, be entretained by listening to the Berlin Philharmonic live.
- Broadway Musicals Watch the most famous musicals for free for a week, and purchase a one-month plan for $ 9.
- One World: Together At Home. A global broadcast & digital special to support frontline healthcare workers and the WHO. (CNBC)
- CirqueConnect by Cirque du Soleil. Connect with the circus, be part of the makeup creations, watch specials from the circus shows and more, visit the website.
Board Games
- 10 Amazing Board Game to Play in 2019. Have family fun while exploring Birds, Japan, National Parks and more. (Johnny Lists)
- BoardGameGeek’s Top Games for Children Find a list of the games most enjoyed by children, explore your children’s creativity, and spend quality time with them.
- More board casual games at Board Game Arena The most popular educational games to play online.
- Board games to play online. If you want to share the fun with relatives afar.
- Print and Play by Asmodee. The board game makes has generously provided instructions for you to print and play some of its classics, completely free!
Support & Communities
- Elearning Professional Network LMSPulse official Facebook Group for elearning professionals, and those who are interested in supporting online learner success!
- Academy of Active Learning Arts and Sciences’ RTOL – Rapid Transition to Online Learning. This guide aims to help you in a rapid transition to remote learning during sudden school closures.
- Achieve3000 Accelerated Digital Literacy at Home Program. A portal with free content dedicated to strengthen reading skills and literacy. There’s also printable packets.
- ACT Academy Personalized Practice. Prepare for one of the most influential high-stakes assessments with a selection of resources by the team behind the exam itself.
- Always Ready for Learning Network. This consulting initiative is offering one-on-one coaching focused on rapid planning and innovative learning models.
- Educator Temporary School Closure for Online Learning Private Facebook group of educators from around the world sharing your experience and knowledge.
Understanding Coronavirus and the COVID-19 Pandemic
We continue to be amazed + inspired by our @3M #YoungScientist winners, and Anika is no exception. Read more about her journey and how she pivoted her project to focus on COVID-19: via @LiveScience
— Discovery Education (@DiscoveryEd) October 21, 2020
- Comics for Good. The COVID-19 pandemic and other current global crisis will continue to impact our lives. The work of illustrator Weiman Kow and volunteers around the world reminds us that we can bring understanding and peace of mind through collaboration, art and creativity. Draw your own #KidsDrawCOVID19facts comic with your kids and Weiman will share it with the world!
- Discovery Education Social Distance Training. An iOS app built with Augmented Reality, to make sure we all keep our distance and learn about the importance of protecting one another.
- How To See Germs Spread (Coronavirus) with Mark Rober (The Kid Should See This) Understand how a virus spreads through contact, a simple experiment that makes you think.
- Viruses and Outbreaks (Discovery Education) Explore up-to-date factors that explain how the coronavirus (COVID-19) works and how it spreads and also learn about other viruses that have occurred around the world.
- COVID-19 Infocomics (Comics for good, via Design You Trust) Learn through educational comics where they explain important points to keep in mind about the coronavirus (COVID-19).
- BrainPOP Coronavirus Keep your students informed through videos and short films about the preventions of the coronavirus (COVID-19).
- Talking About COVID-19 With Children (Sesame Street in Communities) There are different ways to talk with your students or children about the coronavirus(COVID-19) , and about the current world situation, you will even learn to explain why they cannot go out to play.
- Cleaning and hygiene tips to help keep the COVID-19 virus out of your home. (UNICEF) Can you get Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) from food? You will know this and more by clicking on elance, learn some cleaning tips to prevent the virus from reaching your home.
- The prevention and Managment of COVID-19 Learn about the experiences of Chinese doctors who lived closely with the global emergency caused by the coronavirus (COVID-19)