The 119 strong Harrow International School Bangkok student cohort are celebrating another year of record-breaking IGCSE exam results!
44% A*
72% A*-A (Grade 7-9)
98% A*-C (Grade 4-9)
23 students received eight A*, or more!
44% received eight A*-A, or more!
These exceptional results are the school’s strongest in its 22-year history and are particularly rewarding following the challenging year the students faced. Individually there were some outstanding accomplishments too; Kevin gained 12 A* and 1 A, Amy 12 A* and 1 B, Prim and Inger 11 A* and Andy and Khow Poon 10 A*.

At A Level, the graduating Class of 2020 also were rewarded for their efforts with first-class A Level grades that give them access to some of the world’s most competitive universities.
Harrow Bangkok students have secured places at, amongst others, Oxford and Ivy League Universities Cornell and UPenn, London colleges Imperial, LSE and UCL and Scotland’s University of St Andrews.
This year, Harrow Bangkok Year 13s graduated with:
41% A*
68% A*/A
99% A*/C
21 students received three A*
38 received three A*-A
Read more about how our renowned Sixth Form Centre can prepare your son or daughter for university success here